Another reason to use Linux

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Another reason to use Linux

If you ever needed a reason to go Linux, here you go. The noise surrounding this patently obscure Windows XP bug / patch fiasco has just reached a fever pitch, and now we’ve got engineers within Redmond scratching their heads, too. As the story goes, Microsoft recently patched a security hole that took care of an antediluvian DOS vulnerability, and in doing so, some users began to see BSODs and endless reboots. Today, we’ve learned that the patch has been yanked, and Microsoft is suggesting that malware is to blame. But here’s the skinny — the patch simply disturbed the malware, which called a specific kernel code that directs your PC to keel over; in other words, any application that calls that same code could theoretically leave your machine in dire straits. And that, friends, probably explains the software giant’s following quote: “In our continuing investigation in to the restart issues related to MS10-015 that a limited number of customers are experiencing, we have determined that malware on the system can cause the behavior. We are not yet ruling out other potential causes at this time and are still investigating.”

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Category : Linux

Linux is really one of the best deals ever. You get millions of dollars worth of software, absolutely free. How can you beat it?

The hard part, sometimes, is just getting started. How does an ordinary user begin?
The first task is to get Linux on one of your machines. You can install it on an old machine, install it on top of Windows with Cygwin, or just buy yourself a Linux computer. These days there are hundreds of thousands of old PCs around that are no longer capable of running the latest versions of the operating system from Redmond, Washington. These machines were hot in their time, but like an aging Hollywood starlet, they languish while everyone chases the younger and newer talent. Today’s fickle and demanding Windows user has no interest in these machines!

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